All over the world, there are places where nature puts on a spectacular underwater light show after dark. Now you don’t have to trek to a distant lagoon at just the right time of year to be awed by the phenomenon. The water in this crystal ball gets its uncanny blue shimmer from dinoflagellates—nope, they’re not tiny swimming dinosaurs (although that would be adorable), they’re a form of marine algae that naturally illuminates all on its own. Pour the pouch of California seawater into the handblown glass sphere and place it on the intricately detailed octopus stand. Leave it in a moderately lit spot during the day, and when darkness falls, give the orb a gentle swirl to see the exquisite incandescence come to life. The illumination will fade as the water settles: just shake the orb again to light up the night. Feed the dinos every one to two weeks with the included nutrient water, and you’ll have luminous nighttime color for up to six months, with refill packs available to keep the glow going even longer. 3.5" L x 3.5" W x 7.5" H , Complete Kit
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